captain tee jay here -
hey world. whats new ?
cool cool. wow me too!
ha good stuff. you are one funny spring chicken world :)
wow ok so now that my fake banter with the world is over we can get down to the nitty gritty. I give my heartfelt apologies for being so completely absent this past year. Its been a long past few months. A lot has happened since I last posted on here and I have changed quite a bit. A little more grown up but still a goofy kid at heart. I had lost sight of myself, and what made me tick.
Realized real relationships require hard work.. in my head and heart I knew that, but thought I could keep my laydee happy with just the basics. Maybe she was high maintenance or I was a lazy fuck. Probably a little of each... guess that's what they mean by "Live and ya learn".
Anywayssss.. on a lighter note.. Im coming back to you internet world. Im gunna try to make this work, as an outlet for my thoughts and practice my writing. There will be a mix of interesting topics, short stories, social commentary, and links to music, podcasts, images I enjoy and want to share. I am beginning my training to compete in the 2016 Summer Olympics for the American Swim Team. I will also use this place as a way to track my progress. Got a long ways to go but why not dream big?? There are no limiting beliefs here. Worst case scenario, I get into the best shape of my life. Ill take that.
Stay posted.. more to come!
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